
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Hello out there! 

Wow. It has been a hot minute since I last posted a blog. You know when you have really great intentions to do something and then life gets in the way…and you look up and 5 months have gone by? Well, that’s exactly what happened to me with blogging. Whoops! I really love to write. It’s my goal this year to do it more! 

So, let me give you all a quick (or maybe not so quick) update of what has been going on in my life since I last blogged: 

I came home from being with Gap K in Guatemala for about a month and a half. It was incredible. Guatemala is amazing, if you haven’t been there, you need to go! Check out the blog I posted about Guatemala here. I loved getting to be with my people and explore a new place. I just went and lived life with them. Went to ministry with them. Hung out with them. It was awesome. Gap K then moved on to finish out their last 3 months of the World Race in Ethiopia.

In the meantime, some of my sweet friends threw some money together and sent me to LONDON for my 30th birthday (back in April). I have the best friends! It was honestly the trip of a lifetime. So, so good. I wish I could have stayed for a month, but alas, 4 days was perfect! My friend Allie and I spent our days exploring the city, riding double decker buses, navigating the Underground, eating really expensive pub food, and seeing all the incredible sites. I felt like a Spice Girl and all I wanted was some platform shoes to complete my outfits. We stayed at a very interesting hostel, in a room with 15 of our closest friends (not really) and made the best of what we paid for! LOL! I hope to go back some day and get more time. It’s magical and if you haven’t been and want to go, DO IT! You won’t regret it!!! If you want to see pictures, you can go stalk my social media accounts! 

I worked in the office here in Georgia for the months of March and April and the first half of May. As May came to a close, I hopped on a plane and made my way to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. I had a very hectic 48 hours of travel with flight delays, running through airports, and tons of layovers. I had never been to Ethiopia before, but I was excited to go and see my people that had been living there for months. Once I arrived, I stayed a few days with two different teams. Just living life with them and going to ministry with them. I got to try Ethiopian food for the first time and experience the life they had been living for the last 2.5 months. It was awesome! 

For the last 5 days of them being on the field, we headed to a hotel and had their Final Debrief. This is a time where myself, the coaches and the squad leaders lead the squad in daily sessions, one on ones, and some fun before they get on a plane and go HOME. I can’t really put into words what the Lord did in me and all He taught me while I led Gap K. I feel really humbled and honored that He chose me to lead them and love them for 9 months. I made a lot of mistakes and had to pick myself up off the floor a few times. But I wouldn’t trade any of it. Gap K had an amazing journey that taught me so much about how to love others better and how to lead people from a place of overflow. They’re awesome and I love them and I wish I could hug all of them right now! It was a tearful goodbye to a season with them. I am so grateful for them.

Gap K – I love you so much. 

Honestly, the last year of my life has felt like a complete whirlwind. It has been so good, so hard and so unpredictable. I have learned so much about myself. I have learned so much about how I lead others. I have failed more than I have succeeded. I have learned sooo much about letting God lead me. I have learned that if I don’t allow myself to be led by the Father and be in full submission to Him, I will fall on my face each and every time I try to lead 40 other people. The Lord has taught me so much about dependence on Him over this last year. He has taught me so much about finding my contentment and complete joy in Him, only. I just keep learning that this life is such a journey of ups and downs and being in the in-between. I’m thankful for it. 

So, with all that being said….Guess what?! I got to meet my new squad last week!!! World, meet Gap Q

Yep! I’m doing this thing again! Gap Q will launch out to their first country in the middle of September and I will go with them for their whole first month! I’m really excited to see what Jesus has in store for them…and for me. My prayer is that we are all obedient and follow His lead, wherever He takes us! They are some world changers, I know that for sure. I’m excited to do this thing, again, and with them!!!! 

Thanks for reading this very long winded update. I do not take for granted the love and support I receive from so many of you. God has been really good to me. My prayer is that He is always glorified in all things. It’s not about me…or us…it’s always about Him. 




11 responses to “Oh Hey, Gap Q!”

  1. You’re a rockstar and can’t wait for this new journey to start to see what the Lord does!

  2. So proud of you and all you do!! God is good! Thank you for teaching us how to be faithful and know everything is in his time!!Love and miss you

  3. Jodi your funding is almost done!!! Praise Jesus!

    I love reading about the craziness of this season and am grateful I got to hug your neck in the midst of it. Can’t wait to hear about this next squad and all the Lord is doing!

    And you could definitely be a Spice girl 😉

  4. The spice girlssssssss! Yesssss! Haha. You’re amazing. It’s inspiring how obedient you are to the Lord and how boldly (yes, BOLDLY) you are walking in what He is calling you to do. loveyoumissyou.

  5. Jodi or should I say Spicy Spice? LOL. You did a great job leading Gap K! Leading is never easy nor for the gain to heart and you did great. I left bed working with you and the leadership team worked well with you throughout the year…. Gap Q…. I will most likely never meet you but you have an incredibly gifted and talented leader in Jodi….. I mean a spicy spice ask Lee questions spend time with her get to really know her and if you do that you will really get to know an incredible woman who WILL have a huge impact on your life!

  6. JODI!! I am so thankful to know you and honored to have been led by you. You are such an incredible woman of God (woman of HONOR haha) and I miss you a ton. My race def wouldn’t have been the same without you. LOVE YA

  7. JODIS!! Love this and love you! I am so thankful for you and your heart to serve and love our age group! I seriously can’t wait to step into this next journey with you! 6 weeks!!